Takeoff from Dubai was great - daylight means visibility, and that means we can see the sheer size of the place. Also the number of freight aircraft, which are converted from older airliners like 737-200s and 727s.
Dubai from the air is much like any other city, except bigger... and browner. There's quite a lot of street trees, but the overall look of the place is sand coloured not grass coloured. I didn't think any Australian cities had that much grass but there's obviously enough to make a difference.
Killing time... I've read all the emails on my phone, played the games until I'm bored with them, and watched all the nerd-friendly stuff on the plane's movie server. Sore gluteals, worse than when I went from Pakenham to the city stopping all stations on a Siemens train. Are we there yet?
It's 3:30 Melbourne time and we're less than an hour from landing. Apparently London and the Midlands are under ten tenths cloud because we can see nothing but glaring white light. David managed to snap a shot of a cu-num formation that looks like Stonehenge... using my brand new camera which he seems to have taken a liking to. Good thing I brought them both. And hey, it's good for him to have something other than a point and squirt to play with.
Forgot to say that this 777-300ER must be one of a new batch - the first thing we noticed was power, USB and ethernet at most seats even in economy! Also the entertainment system has been uprated with more movies etc, and widescreen LCDs with a more responsive touch screen. NICE.
We're about to land now so I have to shut Clippy down. brb...
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